
Translate text into multiple languages

Debug LLM apps
Optimize prompts

what is Langfuse

Langfuse is a tool for enhancing the development and management of large language model (LLM) applications. It offers features for tracing, evaluation, prompt management, and metrics to help developers debug and improve their applications effectively.

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💰 Plans and pricing

  • Free
  • $59 per month

📺 Use cases

  • Debug LLM apps
  • Analyze LLM data
  • Track LLM performance
  • Optimize app prompts

👥 Target audience

  • AI developers and engineers
  • Data scientists working with language models
  • Enterprises looking for secure LLM solutions


Generate tattoo designs from text prompts.

Build and deploy full-stack web applications.

Translate text into multiple languages

Generate images and videos from text.

Create interactive lessons with AI.

Here is a summary of the main use case of the product in six words:“Generate marketing assets with AI assistance”.

Video to 3D models for animations

Create viral short videos from text.

Automatically create faceless short videos