GPT Engineer

Build web apps using text prompts

App generation
Text to code

what is GPT Engineer

GPT Engineer is an AI tool that allows you to build interactive web applications using prompts. It enables the creation of real web apps with the ability to prototype, build, connect to existing codebases, and deploy to production or existing pipelines. The platform features a natural language first editor, which translates plain language into code, making it accessible to users without extensive coding knowledge. GPT Engineer also supports collaboration, version control, and instant previewing of changes.

Open Source: ✅ Open

💰 Plans and pricing

  • No pricing information yet. There is a waitlist

📺 Use cases

  • Text to code
  • Build interactive web apps
  • Prototype or build real web apps
  • Connect with existing codebases.

👥 Target audience

  • Developers
  • Businesses
  • Entrepreneurs


Generate tattoo designs from text prompts.

Build and deploy full-stack web applications.

Translate text into multiple languages

Generate images and videos from text.

Create interactive lessons with AI.

Here is a summary of the main use case of the product in six words:“Generate marketing assets with AI assistance”.

Video to 3D models for animations

Create viral short videos from text.

Automatically create faceless short videos