Competitor Research

Monitor competitors’ websites for changes

Competitor monitoring
Competitor tracking

what is Competitor Research

Competitor Research is an AI tool designed to help users monitor their competitors’ websites comprehensively. It provides notifications about changes in various aspects, including landing pages, pricing, blog posts, product launches, news alerts, and social media strategies. The tool aims to keep users informed about their competitors’ activities to help them strategize effectively and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

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💰 Plans and pricing

  • Free
  • $25 per month

📺 Use cases

  • Track competitor sites
  • Monitor pricing changes
  • Analyze competitor content

👥 Target audience

  • Business owners
  • Marketing teams
  • Product managers


Generate tattoo designs from text prompts.

Build and deploy full-stack web applications.

Translate text into multiple languages

Generate images and videos from text.

Create interactive lessons with AI.

Here is a summary of the main use case of the product in six words:“Generate marketing assets with AI assistance”.

Video to 3D models for animations

Create viral short videos from text.

Automatically create faceless short videos