AI-Responder for HostAway
Write Less, Host More with AI-Response
what is AI-Responder for HostAway
AI-Responder for HostAway is a Chrome extension that utilizes AI-powered responses to drastically reduce writing time for hosts on the HostAway platform, providing property-specific knowledge and guest data to generate high-quality responses.
What is AI-Responder for HostAway
AI-Responder for HostAway is a Chrome extension that utilizes AI-powered responses to reduce writing time for hosts on the HostAway platform. It leverages property-specific knowledge documents, guest data, and previous chat history to generate high-quality responses. AI-Responder for HostAway is equipped with high-quality AI models, such as OpenAI GPT3 Davinci-003 and GPT NeoX 20B, which can create responses that often do not require editing. The product's AI-powered features enable hosts to save time and improve communication with guests, making it ideal for scenarios such as answering common questions, providing reservation details, and addressing guest concerns.
How to use AI-Responder for HostAway
Simply install the Chrome extension, and the AI draws on property-specific knowledge, guest data, and previous chat history to generate responses. It provides pre-filled response fields that can be quickly altered if needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What sources of information does the AI draw on to generate responses?
The AI draws on property-specific knowledge documents, guest data, and previous chat history to generate responses.
What is the quality of the AI-generated responses?
In tests, AI responses had a quality score of 4 (good) or 5 (great) in 88.2% of cases. These responses often do not require editing and can be provided to guests as-is.
What AI models are used in AI-Responder for HostAway?
The product uses high-quality AI models, specifically OpenAI GPT3 Davinci-003 and GPT NeoX 20B, interchangeably. """ }