
Grammar and spelling checks

Grammar correction
AI writing assistant

what is Grammarly

Grammarly is an incredibly useful tool for writers of all levels. It offers accurate grammar and spelling checks, as well as a range of writing tools, including punctuation checkers and plagiarism detectors. However, it can be overly pedantic at times and may not catch every error. Nonetheless, it remains an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their writing.

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👍🏻 Advantages

  • Accurate grammar and spelling checks
  • Reliable text improvement suggestion
  • Helps non-native English speakers write with confidence
  • Generates report on quality of writing
  • Improves consistency in written communication

😁 Disadvantages

  • Can be overly pedantic
  • May not catch all errors
  • Expensive

💰 Plans and pricing

  • Free
  • $12.00 per month
  • $15.00 per member per month

📺 Use cases

  • Composing emails
  • Writing reports, essays, or creative content
  • Proofreading
  • Editing

👥 Target audience

  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Non-native speakers
  • Native speakers



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