First Bipedal Robot with Dual Arms to Be Deployed in BMW Factory


BMW is set to introduce "humanoid" robots in its factories. These robots, designed to be more operationally flexible compared to traditional industrial robots, are said to assist the luxury car manufacturer in various stages of the manufacturing process. These robots, called "universal" robots, are designed by California-based robotics company FigureAI, which means they can be used for any physical task. Standing at 5 feet 6 inches (approximately 168 centimeters) tall and weighing 130 pounds (approximately 59 kilograms), the robot, known as "Figure 01," is claimed by the company to be capable of object physical construction. However, it is not entirely clear what these robots will actually do in practice. The press release mentions the deployment of humanoid robots in the automotive manufacturing environment and claims that these robots will focus on "difficult, unsafe, or tedious tasks," although these descriptions remain vague. As part of the initial phase of the partnership, the two companies will collaborate to "identify initial use cases for applying Figure robots in automotive production." The wording here also suggests that both companies are unsure of the actual purpose of the robots. Once the two companies reach an agreement, some robots will be deployed at BMW's manufacturing plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Brett Adcock, CEO of Figure, stated, "Single-purpose robots have saturated the commercial market for decades, but the potential of universal robots has yet to be fully realized." He added, "Figure's robots will enable companies to increase productivity, reduce costs, and create a safer and more consistent environment." Currently, technology companies worldwide are competing to produce the first generation of "humanoid" robots. While robots have been used in factories and warehouses for years, this new generation of robots is believed to have more benefits for complex industrial work forms. However, concerns about robots eventually replacing a significant number of human jobs have been raised. The CEO of Figure claims that his company has no interest in depriving employees of their jobs.