Baichuan Intelligence Launches Baichuan-NPC: A Magical Tool for Text-Based Game Character Creation


Baichuan Intelligence has launched the Baichuan-NPC, a large-scale character model that can understand contextual dialogue semantics and engage in character-specific conversations and actions, bringing characters to life. Baichuan Intelligence has also introduced a customized solution of "Character Creation Platform + Enhanced Knowledge Base Search" that allows game developers to quickly build their desired characters through simple text descriptions, achieving low-cost and high-efficiency character customization. Baichuan-NPC is the most powerful large-scale character model in the Chinese domain. It has been trained on high-quality datasets to enhance its general intelligence and role-playing capabilities. Baichuan-NPC also innovatively utilizes multi-method model synthesis and thought chain alignment technology to improve token utilization efficiency and character consistency, enabling the model to approach human thinking processes and behavioral expressions. In the CharacterEval evaluation, Baichuan-NPC significantly outperforms other models in terms of dialogue ability, character consistency, and role-playing attractiveness. The Character Creation Platform is a highly flexible development kit that does not require coding. It provides users with a concise and efficient development process through standardized templates, custom options, a user-friendly tuning interface, and an enhanced knowledge base search. The Character Creation Platform also features two unique technologies: strong multi-turn alignment and enhanced knowledge base search. Users can define character traits based on system prompts, allowing characters to follow user-defined rules and possess knowledge that aligns with their identities, making the characters more "real". The Character Creation Platform also offers a one-click copy function, allowing users to easily copy all character codes and integrate them into their business scenarios, achieving a "what you see is what you get" approach. Baichuan Intelligence has already established deep partnerships with leading brands in the entertainment industry to expand the application scenarios of AIGC creation.